as soon as you reach the rank of a Gentlemen (full member) you have access to the league internal message board (LXG-COM, registration required).
From that day on, you can volunteer to participate in the LXG "Duo DPS Battle" Ladder. As the name suggests, it is about the DPS's of the league (and anyone else who thinks he stands a chance) trying to beat each others "Damage Out" values during a duo. The ladder is composed of the following columns.
Call Sign, Character Name, Ladder Points, Total Matches, Top Damage
The table is sorted by ladder points, and top damage. A win gets you 2 points, a draw 1 point, a loss none. Every time, two LXG gentlemen (or higher rank) DPS meet up for a duo, they can opt to make this one "count" towards the league ladder. If both agree, the match is executed and the damage result of this match is then posted in our league internal message board (LXG-COM).
Dravon vs Andeimos
Andeimos writes...
Subject: DUO DPS Battle – Match result
Text: This is Mr.Red, I had a draw against a Dravon 40500:40500. Dravon replies ...
Subject: Re: [DUO DPS Battle – Match result] Text: Correct, 40500:40500, funny ... that never happen before a draw.
I will check the LXG-COM message board regularly and update the ladder using the match results. This is actually a simple and dull 4 step job: Search LXG-COM for “match result”, put the results with the link's to the post's in the message board into our league charts, calculate and check the results for sanity, and post an updated ladder onto the HQ Blog (in here). If I should fail to do it cause of the truck-factor (Common IT term: What happens if the development team is crossing the street and is hit by a truck?) any one can make a copy of the google doc, update it locally, and use that version from that day on.
Seasonal Schedule
Now one fine day... the LXG Core Team can decide to “end a ladder seasons” and “start a new one”. Every league ladder will then be “reset” to 0, and a new race for the “top DPS” can start. This will naturally need some kind of ceremony, celebration, party to honor the great end of the ladder seasons! The top scorers of a seasons will be announced and will find their way into the LXG Hall of Fame. Check the League Events for up-to-date details about seasonal and other events.
Now before you ask... the next (first) LXG Ladder Season is planned to start on July, 28th. The current ladder values, and messages in the LXG-COM are part of the the “test Seasons”.
The “DUO DPS Battle” ladder is managed by myself, Mr. Red. If you want to join, participate or have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. If you are interested in hosting your own ladder (e.g. a Raid DPS ladder, or a Alert Healer Ladder, etc...) you are free to do so. The LXG Core team will help you to set it up.
By the way, i'll be joining with Andeimos, let see who dares to challenge me.
Andeimos gestures to bring it on
Dravon wants smash! >=D
ReplyDeleteMaybe... we should add an entrace fee... lets say... 5.000$ ... then we would have a price money for the winner.
ReplyDeleteWhat do think?